Monday, February 20, 2012

Random thoughts...

So I was in a class today and we were discussing gender. This caused me to do some (more) thinking. It was brought up that God doesn't make mistakes yet Hermaphrodites are born. Hermaphrodites are born with both male and female sex organs. So what about that? That's not a mistake...but what are they supposed to do about that, if anything? Who are they supposed to like? I'm just trying to...understand this. Kind of like how some homosexuals and studies say that some people are born gay. If they actually are...what does that say about some churches beliefs with homosexuality?...

Well this is weird, I'm writing this while in another Interpretation and the professor is talking about the bias of the interpreter. This is interesting... Anyway, back to the topic, is it possible that homosexuality is okay? I know there's a passage in Deuteronomy and Paul from the New Testament talks about it, but...neither one exactly "knew", as in personally met, Jesus. So how do we know what the Bible says about it is true?

Maybe I'm thinking too much into this...but I can't be against homosexuality. I know as a Christian I'm not supposed to approve of it, but I don't know, God hasn't exactly spelled it out right for me, what to believe about it. I can't say they're going to go to Hell or that God hates them. I don't believe that. Yes, He may hate the sin...But...God loves them... If they honestly believe homosexuality is okay and are still Christians...Are they still going to go to Hell? I just can't see the reasoning behind this, if they really, truly believe it's wrong...couldn't God change their hearts about it? Then again I guess some homosexuals don't believe in God, the Bible, organized religion, etc so that wouldn't really be an issue with them. I don't know, like I said, random thoughts.

So here you have it, random thoughts from me. I'm sure I have more to say but right now I can't think of anything. Plus I kind of need to quit typing, it's a bit suspicious looking when I'm the only one typing and there are no notes up...Mkay, until next time.

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